New Year, New Look
I have a new website style! I’m super pumped about it, so I thought I'd write a bit to celebrate. Here’s how it looks (it’s not particularly out of the world or anything, but I like how well it fits on mobile now).
You can probably tell from all this excitement that I’m not a frontend developer. In fact, I wasn't much of a developer before I was at Arweave. Not a serious one, anwyay. There I wrote my first npm library, and implemented a classical consensus protocol in Erlang. The return to functional programming was a lot of fun (fun fact, my first ever program was written in Haskell, something to do with drawing mazes).
I should stop using parentheses this much in my writing. It comes from a good place — not wanting my main point to show up alone to your thoughts — but it is a form of cheating. I will leave more open to imagination in future.
Also, Happy 2025!